Animation and its type


Animation is a sequence of frames that when placed in order at sufficient speed make a smooth-moving image like a film or video

Types of animation:


1. Three-dimensional object:

This animation moves around and among to provide a sense of perspective and also focused on the relative size and speed of an object or how it moves about another object

2. Motion overtime:

Motion over time animation stressed change over time
An example includes time lapse to illustrate a flower opening, the operation of a machine in a real-time

3. Drawing attention:

simply “Pulse” or fades or slides can draw users’ attention to a key portion of content or a change in information.

4. Interactive animation:

Interactive animation add button or fields which allow users to change setting interactive animations are a good way to help students understand the effects of different setting or parameters on a process

Simple control: 
Simple control such as pause, stop, and replay is recommended for most animations so that users can focus on different aspects of different weaving.


Processing inverse the method to resize the files audio in video as per our requirement.
In processing compression for  elimination of redundant data from a file and then remove less important data to shrink file size till further.

Audio processing:

Audio files may lose amplitude and clarity in the digital process. The process finds the high peak in a file to make the volume.

In audio processing, we modify the audio by trimming clips and removing the noise, and amplifying the audio.

Video processing:

In the video process we trim the clip to make sure that our movie begins and ends with Fame that makes sense as a still image

We use video editing software to crop out unwanted noise or borders from moving images.

In video processing, we also resize the pictorial knowns as scale.