UPSC full Syllabus | Civil Services Exam Prelims, Mains and Interview
UPSC has many crateria for selecton for CIVIL Services in india some of basic eligibilty aaare writen below to know all click oin the dwonliad button or seee the pdf below
Eligibility condition for UPSC
- First nationality:
- AGE limit
- Number of attempt
How to apply:
To apply candidate are required to apply online using the website
Eligibility and requirement:

The competition examination comprise two success stages
- civil service preliminary examination ( objective type)
- civil service Mains examination (written and interview).
Preliminary examination:
- The exam comprise of two papers of 200 marks each, both the question paper will be of objective type it will be of 2 hour duration.
- The first GS paper 2 of civil service examination that is CSET is qualifying nature that is required only 33%.
- The question paper will be in both Hindi and English.
Mains examination the return examination will consist of following papers:
1) Qualifying paper
Paper A: 300 marks
One of the Indian language to be selected by the candidate for the language in the earth schedule to the constitution.
Paper B english :: 300 marks
2) Papers to be counted for merit:
- Essay 250 marks
- Paper 2 general studies 1: Indian Heritage, Culture history, geography of the world and Society
- Paper 3: 250 marks
- General studies II: Institution governed polity Social justice and international relationship
- Paper 4: General studies III: 250 marks
- General studies III: Economics development biodiversity Technology environment security and disaster management.
- Paper 5: general studies IV : 250 marks
- Ethics, Integrity, and aptitude
- Paper 6: optional paper I : (250 marks)
- Paper 7 optional paper II : (250 marks)
total return test equal to 1750 marks
Personality marks test 275 marks
UPSC Mains Syllabus
List of UPSC Optional Subjects | |
Agriculture | Law |
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science | Management |
Anthropology | Mathematics |
Botany | Mechanical Engineering |
Chemistry | Medical Science |
Civil Engineering | Philosophy |
Commerce and Accountancy | Physics |
Economics | Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) |
Electrical Engineering | Psychology |
Geography | Public Administration |
Geology | Sociology |
History | Statistics |
Zoology | Literature of any of the following languages (one): Assamese, Konkani, Manipuri, Maithili, Marathi, Odia, Bodo, Bengali, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kashmiri, Kannada, Malayalam, Nepali, Sanskrit, Santhali, Tamil, Punjabi, Sindhi, Telugu, English and Urdu |