UPSC Mains (Essay, Compulsery Paper, GSI GS II GS III GS IV)


Compulsory Paper

GS I 2023 Paper  

GS II 2023 Paper  

GS III 2023 Paper  

GS IV 2023 Paper  

UPSC Syllabus


Mains examination the return examination will consist of following papers:

1) Qualifying paper
Paper A: 300 marks
One of the Indian language to be selected by the candidate for the language in the earth schedule to the constitution.
Paper B english :: 300 marks

2) Papers to be counted for merit:

  • Essay 250 marks
  • Paper 2 general studies 1: Indian Heritage, Culture history, geography of the world and Society
  • Paper 3: 250 marks
  • General studies II:  Institution governed polity Social justice and international relationship
  • Paper 4:  General studies III: 250 marks
  • General studies III: Economics development biodiversity Technology environment security and disaster management.
  • Paper 5: general studies IV : 250 marks
  • Ethics, Integrity, and aptitude
  • Paper 6: optional paper I : (250 marks)
  • Paper 7 optional paper II : (250 marks)

 total return test equal to 1750 marks

Personality marks test 275 marks

GS I 2023 Paper