what to do after engineering

Every year, approximately 1.5 million engineering students graduate in India Many have been brainwashed by society into thinking that an engineering degree will ensure a great job, a high salary a good-looking life partner, exotic vacations, and international travel opportunities but that wasn’t meant to be.

at last, every engineering student most expected question is:

  • career after Btech | b.e?
  • what to do after engineering?

what to do after engineering, an MBA, or MS?

there are 4 options an engineering graduate can choose from a master’s degree abroad an MBA degree in India, an MBA degree abroad taking up a job in India

let’s see what each of these to offer us :

Master’s Degree Abroad

master’s degree abroad is a great way to solidify and build upon whatever you have learned in your engineering degree your aim is to become really competent technically and to solve complex problems by being at the cutting edge of the field this is where you will hone your information processing, analytical and critical thinking skills.

Master student

As a master’s student you will be judged on your ability to do well on assignments research skills, comprehension skills your technical understanding of the subjects, and how well you can follow the rules within a strictly academic environment For that commitment you could be compensated handsomely by recruiters in technologically friendly economies such as the US engineering graduates with a master’s degree from the best universities get hired by the top recruiters in multiple industries.

If you can identify, join and stay long enough with growing startups you could make a fortune beyond your wildest dreams. As always, the higher the reward the higher the risk,


traditional two year MBA in India is a popular option for many graduates especially those who disliked the engineering specialization

An MBA will help you assemble a scope of hard abilities and delicate abilities that should have been effective in the business world. In any case, the other side is that on the off chance that you got into an MBA only for the work, you might be baffled MBA situations in India are not exceptionally unique in relation to the potluck model you experience during your designing arrangements. A lot of organizations come to grounds with counseling, finance showcasing, and different jobs they have to bring to the table not really the ones you need, leaving you with an unfulfilling career apart from a big education loan.

The clarity of MBA

The dissatisfaction and frustration are also the results of not having the right clarity of goals and choosing the wrong job from the company that offers the biggest salary. At MBA Crystal Ball we get many second MBA applicants who feel their first MBA was a wasted opportunity. Don’t fall into that trap. In terms of concepts, an MBA degree abroad covers pretty much the same subjects as the one’s back in India but at a much higher cost and possibly a much higher return on investment.


The advantage is that you will get to interact with a wide variety of people from different backgrounds in a global arena. This will be a very valuable asset to your international career. What’s important to note is that most international MBA programs only accept graduates with several years of relevant work experience so this option is technically ruled out when you are a fresh engineering graduate.


Getting a job is a great way to explore what you are good at and what you want to do in the future. You have devoted 4 years of your life to procure a specialized degree, instead of discarding it following graduation it very well may be a smart thought to spend some time putting that knowledge to practical use. When you get a job, for the first time in your life you have effectively flipped the switch, from paying to learn to get paid to learn. When you reframe your career this way, you will see many more benefits. While you will be paid a monthly salary, you will also be paid in the most valuable career capital one can get real-world practical experience.

If you are confused about your future plans this is the most beneficial path for you.


  1. To wrap up, after completing a B.E or B.Tech degree in engineering, here’s how we would order the limited 4 options we have considered. Our top recommendation is to get a job. Pick up valuable skills and build a profile first if you have strong reason’s not to do so, then choose between the next two options, get a master’s degree, take the GRE exam, apply for an MS degree. Or you could join a good MBA college in India.
  2. If you never liked engineering or the field you graduated in and you are clear about your career goals, then this should be a good option.
  3. If you have some patience, focus on getting some solid experience and then go for an MBA abroad. By then you would have the professional maturity to make better career choices. Based on your profile, skills, and aspirations you could get more creative and consider other options as well like becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own venture. Higher education options can stay on the table till you’re ready and sure.

  Hope you get the answer of this what to do after engineering