Computer Networks:
- Types of network (LAN MAN WAN)
- Network Topologies
- Transmission Techniques (simplex, 1/2 duplex, duplex)
- Physical Media(Guided /unguided)
- Hub, Repeater,
- Functions of DLL
- Sub-Layer (LLC & MAC Address)
- Error Detection(Parity check & Checksum)
- Correction Technique(Hamming Code)
- Concept of Switch.
- Switching Technique (CS,MS,PS)
Network Layer
- Function of Network Layer
- Addressing
- IP Addressing(Class A,B,C,D,E)
- IPv4 Packet Format
- Basic of Routing Protocol ARP,RARP.
- Sub-netting
- Concept of IPv6
- IPv4 Vs IPv6
- Router
Transport Layer:
- Function of Transport Layer
- Transport Layer Protocols TCP,UDP
- Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
- Congestion Control
- Flow Control
Session and Presentation Layer:
Application Layer:
- function of Application Layer
- Application Layer Protocol HTTP
- concept of Gateway.
- E-mail, IMAP
Internet remote login is called TELNET. the internet standard for remote login service is found in a protocol known as TELNET; its Specification is part of the TCP/IP documentation. the TELNET protocol specify exactly how are remote login client and remote login service interact. The standard specify for example how the client contact the server how the client encodes the keystrockes for transmission to the server and how the server encourt output for transmission to the client.
Because both TELNET client and server program adhere to the same specification they agree on communication detail.
There are two types of login:
1) local login:
when a use logs into a local computer this is known as local login.
when the workstation running terminal emulate the keystrokes enters by the user are except by the terminal driver. The Terminal driver then pass these characters to the operating system which in turn involved the Desire application program.

2) Remote login:

How remote login Works:

At the local side:
the uses sends the keystrokes to the terminal drive, the characters are there in sent to the TELNET client the TELNET client which in turn Transformer the character to a Universal character set known as network virtual Terminator (NVT) character and deliver them to the local TCP/IP stack.
At remote side:
The command in the NVT form are transmitted to the TCP/IP at the remote machine, Here the characters are deliver to the operating system and then passed to the TELNET server the TELNET server transform the character which can be understandable by a remote computer.
Computer Networks:
- Types of network (LAN MAN WAN)
- Network Topologies
- Transmission Techniques (simplex, 1/2 duplex, duplex)
- Physical Media(Guided /unguided)
- Hub, Repeater,
- Functions of DLL
- Sub-Layer (LLC & MAC Address)
- Error Detection(Parity check & Checksum)
- Correction Technique(Hamming Code)
- Concept of Switch.
- Switching Technique (CS,MS,PS)
Network Layer
- Function of Network Layer
- Addressing
- IP Addressing(Class A,B,C,D,E)
- IPv4 Packet Format
- Basic of Routing Protocol ARP,RARP.
- Sub-netting
- Concept of IPv6
- IPv4 Vs IPv6
- Router
Transport Layer:
- Function of Transport Layer
- Transport Layer Protocols TCP,UDP
- Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
- Congestion Control
- Flow Control
Session and Presentation Layer:
Application Layer:
- function of Application Layer
- Application Layer Protocol HTTP
- concept of Gateway.
- E-mail, IMAP