What is Engineer | Engineering

What is Engineer (2021)

engineering is a graduate-level study/program that you can do after passing the 12th class exams usually after your plus two you must take an engineering entrance examination  conducted at the state level/national level, these exams are the door to secure admission to the various colleges of B.Tech and B.E programs offered by different colleges and institutes at the undergraduate level

How do we go from place to place without having to walk? How do we communicate/connect with people who live far away?

There were lots of problems surrounded around the people struggled with for a long time, until recently. Before there were things like cars, bikes, phones, and digital products. And you know who solved those problems/What is Engineer?

–> Engineers.

 But do you know what an engineer is?

An engineer is a person/someone wants to know how and why things work.

Now, I want to know how and why things are made, but does that make me an engineer?

 Not quite. Besides,  curiosity, an engineer is someone who codes, analysis, and builds things like buildings software, draws, improves systems, or structures, that help to solve problems.

There is more than 15 type of engineer, But no matter what type of engineer a person is, they have to question themselves 3 important questions when they are working.:

  1. What is the problem that has to solve?
  2. the problem that has to be solved?
  3. Why is this problem important to solve?

Let’s take a look at some examples. A famous example of engineering Bridge in San Francisco, California.

There are different types of engineers, and the Civil Engineer is an engineer who designs and constructs houses, bridges buildings, roads

The 3 questions are:

  • what was the problem they have to solve?     
  • People are not able to travel in or out of a city.
  • Who had the problem?  Residents of San Francisco,

Why was the problem important to solve? Well, you don’t want people trapped in the city (San Fransisco) forever