Basic of Computer (BIT)
In this article, we will see or learn all about the basics of computers or basic information technology (BIT).

what is Data and Information?


Data is the facts that are gathered and inter into the computer it can be symbol of what accept ra
Example: ? 8, hello,


Information is the Collection of the word, numbers or symbols which are organized to make them meaningful is known as information
Example:  Arun is a boy.

Data and information

All the data collected on computers are processed to make it more informative.
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process of data

Processing of data

Steps required for data to make it information are:
Step 1. Collection of data which comes from a value source.
Step 2. Data preparation. (clean the data, sort the data )
Step 3. processing processing the tum make a meaningful data.
Step 4 output, to get create output full data.
Step 5. Output data for future reference.