What is a syllabus?

 This link has the engineering syllabus of JU GCET, YCET, MIET etc syllabus.

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A syllabus is one of the most important documents in a college classroom. But many students don’t take them seriously. Here’s what you need to know about a syllabus. A syllabus serves several purposes. What is a syllabus?

A syllabus is:

  1. a contact sheet, a guidebook, a contract, and a schedule.
  2. A syllabus should give information on how to contact your instructor, explain what it will take to be successful in the class, outline instructor and student responsibilities, and tell you when assignments are due.

Every syllabus is designed to answer the most frequently asked questions among students such as:   

(a) What must I do to pass the class?         

(b)What topic will be discussed today?   

(c) When is this assignment due? 

(d)When is the test or quiz?

(e)What happens if I am tardy or absent? 

  1.   Earlier than you ask your trainer, first consult your syllabus.
  2. On the front page of your syllabus, you will find general course information.
  3. This includes the course title and number and the location and meeting times.
  4. You’ll also find your instructor’s contact information which includes your instructor’s name, email address, office location, phone number, and office hours. Office hours are times when the instructor will be in his or her office and available to meet with you.
  5. Reading the syllabus is a good way to get a feel for what a course is like and a syllabus includes a section that gives you a preview of the class.
  6. It will contain a Course Description that lets you know what topics and concepts are covered, while Learning Objectives, or expectations, outline
  7. what you should be able to do by the end of the semester.
  8. Finally, a syllabus includes a discussion of the instructor’s teaching methods and other information that gives you some perspective and what this class is all about.Earlier than you ask your trainer, first consult your syllabus.

A syllabus also includes 

  1. a list of books and materials. The instructor will list the book or books that you must have for class and any required materials such as binders or thumb drives.
  2. The instructor may also include a list of items that he or she suggests as supplements, such as dictionaries or calculators.
  3. There will also be information on where to get other readings or reserved materials.
  4. Another function in the syllabus is that of a contract. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the whole syllabus.
  5. By perusing the prospectus and afterward consenting to remain in the class, you have basically consented to the Terms of your educator’s agreement.
  6. Each syllabus should include a grading scale. Typically, you’ll be informed how many points you need to get in an “A,” and “B,” and so forth.
  7.  Other information includes how you will be penalized if you turn in an assignment late, plus guidelines for participating in online class activities or how to conduct work in the lab, if applicable. 
  8. Keep in mind that the main reason why the syllabus is so important is that, as far as the instructor is concerned, it’s the class law. 

Click here for the B.E  syllabus:

Finally, one of the most important functions of a syllabus is that it serves as a course schedule that tells you exactly:

  1. when assignments are due and
  2. when readings are expected to be completed.

Why we should see syllabus regularly?

Do not expect daily reminders about assignments and deadlines. Instead, this information is most often in the syllabus.

So it’s important to look at the syllabus several times a week, so you know when things are due.

Course outlines often give an overview of the course:

  1. That includes assignment details, due dates, daily and weekly topics and readings.
  2. homework assignments, essays and papers.
  3. tests and exams.

Many students pay little attention to their syllabus, and as a result, they lack information about deadlines and class procedures. Be sure to spend the short time it takes to read through the syllabus and ask for clarification. Then glance back at it often, so you know expectations and deadlines. Greater student success begins with a thorough understanding of all the syllabus and b.e previous year papers (JU UNIVERSITY).