Sikhs around the world celebrate Vaisakhi every year. The main day of the Vaisakh month has shown up. Of the Sikh calendar. Which falls around mid-April every year.
you might have heard of a harvest festival. Or things like that. But it is actually much, much more.Vaisakhi is the day the Khalsaas created.In the year 1699. It was the birthday of the Khalsa. But
Vaisakhi Date
2023 | 14 April |
2024 | 13, April |
2025 | 13-14 April |
Vaisakhi is a celebration of love.To celebrate that love,it is not just as superficial as eating and dancing. Then going home. No. It is not a carnival. This is the birthday of those great martyrs in our history. Men and women. Old and young. Who sacrificed their lives for others. Let that same love permeate our veins as well.
what is the Khalsa?
For Sikhs, Vaisakhi has been celebrated indifferent ways. for more than a century up until the year 1699. By the Sikh Gurus and the Sikh congregations. By gathering up together, and engaging in meditation, service and celebration. The 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Who since they were young, they would celebrate it by inviting everybody across the regions, and far-off of lands. Far-off countries. They would gather together at the city called Sri Anandpur Sahib. Situated near the foot of the Himalayan mountains. In North-East India. During that time the emperor of India, named Aurangzeb, was excessively taxing people. He was a tyrant, oppressing people. committing violent faith conversions and executing those who refused. Now there was no distinctive and humanitarian force, that could stand up for the poor and the innocent during that time. The Great Guru Gobind Singh Ji stood on a platform in front of a very large congregation on Vaisakhi in 1699 to initiate that. They demanded to the entire congregation,“Is there any child of a Sikh, who is willing to give their head? Here, five beloved Sikhs offered themselves one at a time and passed the Guru’s test, putting faith, devotion, humility, love, and sacrifice to the test. Are known today as the Five Beloved Ones.
The Guru blessed them with Ambrosial Nectar,and liberated them from cycle of birth and death. While living on the planet still and serving the world. They are a representation of the Khalsa, the pure army and collective leadership.Army of the immaculate. This event marked the visible sprouting, of teachings of all the Sikh Gurus. Guru Gobind Singh Ji, in the year 1699,they revitalized. They give birth to the Khalsa. The mission of the Khalsa, is to fight for food and freedom for everybody around the world. Regardless of faith, caste, gender, colour, age, etc. Degh Tegh Fateh is the term that is used. It means that food and freedom is the victory that we strive for.
This is why we remember this day, known as the Khalsa Saajna Divas. The day the Khalsa Panth was created.
Who is a true Khalsa?
A true Khalsa is that person, who dives deep down inside of them. Recognises the true form of God. Sees the Creator inside of everybody. That is true message of Vaisakhi. So let us celebrate this by allowing the flowers of our love, to blossom in this month.
Meaning of khalsa?
For this year’s Vaisakhi, instill that love inside of yourself, to grow. To go beyond these shackles of your mind or your ignorance. Regardless of your choice, completely fall in love with God. We believe there is only one Creator. Do not think about yourself. Become selfless. Do not chase after vices. Sikhs strive to be warriors on the outside and spiritual and enlightened on the inside. Saints Soldiers. The significance of Vaisakhi for Sikhs is our freedom from vices. Vice-filled thoughts. Awakening the love for the Guru inside of us. That is what the Khalsa is. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said this themselves that, “whoever becomes the Khalsa, I sacrifice myself for that person”.