Summary of layers Function of OSI Model

TCP/IP Protocol Suits

TCP/IP Protocol Suits

The TCP IP protocols should used in the internet was developed prior to the OSI model, therefore the layer in the transmission control protocol (TCP) / Internet working protocol (IP) do not match exactly with those in the OSI model.


TCP stands for transmission control protocol
IP stands for internet protocol.



1) Application :

In TCP IP the application layer includes application presentation and session layer of OSI model.
It is used for interaction between user and application, here data is formulated, converted, encrypted, decrypted.

Protocol used:



2) Transport layer:

The transport layer insure an communication, error free delivery of data. It can be connected oriented and connectionless.

Protocol used are:



3) Inter network/ network layer:

inter network yellow host to host inject packed into any network.

Protocol used:



4)Network access layer:

Then network access layer is the combination of data link layer and physical layer of OSI model. It insurance error control flow control access control and bit control of data.


TCP/IP Protocol Suits


  • TCP/IP is TCP and IP working together
  • TCP takes care of the communication between your application and software that is your browser and your network software.
  • IP take care of the communication with other computer
  • TCP is responsible for breaking data down into  packets before they are send and for assembling the packet when they Arrive.
  • IP is responsible for sending the packets to the correct destination.
TCP provides the following facility :
Stream data transfer:

TCP transfers a continuous streams of byte. TCP does this by grouping the bytes in TCP segments which are passed to IP for transmission to the destination.


TCP add the sequence number to each byte transmitted and expect a positive acknowledgement from the receiving TCP. If the acknowledgement is not received within a time out interval the data is retransmitted.

Flow control:

The receiving TCP when sending acknowledgement back to the sender also indicates to the sender the number of byte it can receive beyond the last received TCP segment.