Transport Layer

Multiplexer and Demultiplexer


A multiplexer sometimes refers to a multiplexer or simply MUX, is a device that select between a number of input signals. In its simple form, a multiplexer will have a two or more signal input one control input and one output.

Multiplexing is a technique used To combine and send the multiple data stream over a single medium.

Multiplexing is accomplished by utilizing a gadget(device) called multiplexer MUX. 


Advantages of multiplexing:

Beyond what one signal can be sent over a single medium.

The transfer speed of a medium can be use affectively.


Multiplexer and Demultiplexer in Transport Layer


Demultiplexing, is process of  separates two or more signal that has been combined into one single Demultiplexing is the extraction of the original data on the receiver size a device that performs are Demultiplexing process is called a Demultiplexer (DEMUX)

Multiplexer and Demultiplexer

Multiplexing is a process where multiple channels are combined for transmission over a common transmission path there are two three dominant way to multiply.


  1. Frequency division multiplexing
  2. Time division multiplexing.

Frequency division multiplex (FDM):

It is a analogue technique. In FDM various channels are consolidated onto a solitary total signal for transmission. The channel are separated in the aggregate by the frequency. There are always some unused frequency between channels called as guard band. It Reduce the effect of bleed over between adjacent channel a condition more commonly referred to as crosstalk.



Time division multiplexing (TDM):

It is a digital technique. In time division multiplexing TDM channel shares the common aggregate base upon time there are variety of TDM schemes discussed in the following section.
Conventional time division multiplexing
Statistical time division multiplexing
Cell relay/ATM multiplexing

Multiplexing process;

The following figure is a conceptual illustration of the multiplexing process each source generate a signal of a similar frequency range. Inside the multiplex,  this similar signals modified different carrier frequencies F1 F2 and F3. The resulting modulated signals are then combined into a single composite signal that is sent over a medium link that has enough Bandwidth to accommodate it.

Multiplexer and Demultiplexer in Transport Layer
Demultiplexing process:

Demultiplexer use a series of filters to decompose the multiplex signal into its constitute components signal the individual signals are then passed to a demodulator that separates them from the career and pass them to output line. Illustrate  in figure

Multiplexer and Demultiplexer in Transport Layer