Basic of Computer (BIT)
In this article, we will see or learn all about the basics of computers or basic information technology (BIT).

Information Technology

Information is the collection of the word symbols and word to make it more meaningful.


Information technology

Information technology is process in which, the use of computer or technology and software to manage data/ information.


Applications of Information Technology

  • In money transfer
  • Communication
  • Portability
  • Scientific research and development
  • Office
  • Banking

information seeking:

the process for achieving information or activity of attempt to obtain information in both human and technological context is called as information seeking.

information process:

Untitled Diagram.drawio 1
information process

here Data is input —–>process —> and the information is output

Data Transmission:

data transmission refers to the process of transferring the data between two or more digital device in analogue and digital format.

types of information transmission:

  1. parallel

  2. serial.

parallel information transmission: 

In parallel information transmission we send multiple data simultaneously.


parallel serial transfer
Parallel Transmission

serial information transmission:

serial information transmission we send data one by one in a single. channel


serial bus
Serial Transmission