Hypertext transfer protocol ( HTTP):

HTTP is a convention utilized fundamentally to get to information on the internet. This protocol transfer data in the form of plan text, hypertext, audio, and so on. However it is called the hypertext transfer protocol because its efficiency Allow its user in a hypertext environment, where there are Rapid jump from one document to another.
HTTP capabilities like  of FTP and SMTP. It is similar to FTP because its transfer files and use the server of FTP because only on TCP connection. There is no different control association just information is moved between the client and the server. The idea of HTTP is very similar client  sends request while look mail to the server. The server sends the response while looking like a mail to the client the request and response message carry data in the form of letter with MIME- like format. The command from the client are embedded in a letter like request message, the content of the requested file or other information are embedded in a letter like response message.
HTTP transaction:

The client initialize the transaction by sending a request message. the server replies by sending a respond.


There are two general types of http message request and response, both message types follow almost the same format.

Request message:

A response message consist of our status line, header and sometimes a body.

Response message:

A response message consist of a status line headers and sometimes a body.

Difference between HTTP and HTTPs.



It stands for hypertext transfer protocol.

It stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure.

This protocol operates at the application layer.

This protocol operates at the transport layer.

The information which is moved in http is plane text.

The data which is transferred is https is encrypted..

It operates on port number 80.

This protocol operates on port number 443.

The URL of HTTP starts with http://

URL of HTTPs is start with https://

This protocol does not neat any certificate.

 Need SSL Certificate

Advantages of https:

  • It provides high security to user.
  • Data and information are protected. So it insurance data protection.
  • SSL technology in https protects the data from third party of hackers.



Disadvantages of https:

  • The big disadvantages of https is that uses need to purchase the SSL certificate.
  • The speed of the website is slow.
  • Uses needs to update all there internal links.