• Hornbill festival is celebrated in the state of Nagaland, in india. Hornbill festival is celebrated from 1st december to 10th december.
  • at Naga Heritage Village in Kisama, Kohima




2024December1 -10
  • It is put on by the Government of Nagaland to highlight the ethnic diversity, rich cultural legacy, and enduring traditions of Nagaland.
  • It is a tribute to the magnificent hornbill, which the Naga people adore and appreciate for its alertness and majesty.
  • The richness and distinctiveness of the Naga legacy are being revived, protected, and preserved through this cultural spectacle.


  • During the hornbill festival all the tribes of Manipur, come together to celebrate a common festival known as the hornbill festival. 
  • The hornbill festival is named after a bird that is found in Nagaland, hornbill bird is marked as pure and good luck.
  • during the hornbill festival, different tribes show / represent their culture through dance and food.

Hornbill :

There are about 62 hornbill species world-over. 

  • There are nine species of hornbills, including the Great Hornbill, which is found in India. 
  • Hornbill and the Rufous-necked Hornbill..
  • The maximum density is found in Namdapha National Park in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • density of hornbills across Asia.
  •  Four of the nine hornbill species, of which the Great Hornbill is the most well-known, can be found in the Western Ghats alone.


  • Because they are crucial to the regeneration of forests, hornbills are known as the “farmers of the forest.”
  • Although they are omnivores, they favour fruits, especially figs.
  • They have a reputation for dispersing seeds and supporting tropical plant regeneration.

Read about: Eid ul adha,