Good Friday

Good Friday

The Good Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday, also known as Good Friday, is traditionally observed as the day that Jesus was crucified. We must assume that Jesus died and was crucified on a Friday.

What is Good Friday?

Good Friday is a religious holiday observed annually by Christians to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ it’s actual date varies from year to year as it is based on when Jewish Passover takes place as the date of Easter, because Passover is based on the Jewish lunisolar calendar, it always falls on a Sunday two days after Easter, which commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead following his crucifixion. According to the New Testament of the Bible, Good Friday occurs annually between March 20 and April 23.

Good Friday Date


7 April


29 March


18 April

when is good friday?

Holy Week, which is the week before Easter, falls on Good Friday. It is the day that Christians commemorate Jesus’ death on the cross during Holy Week. sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, morndy, thursday, good friday, saturday or holy saturday and easter sunday.


Why is it called Good Friday

In the past, the word “good” meant “holy,” so “good friday” actually means “holy friday.” This could even be a way of saying “God’s friday” in some countries. In Germany, “good friday” is also known as “friday of morning,” in Norway, “long friday,” and in France, “holy friday.”


what do christians do on good friday?

great friday is a day of bitterness for temples when christians consider the passing and enduring of jesus there are no blossoms or enrichments in the church on great friday at litchfield house of God rather than the typical friday administrations we have the sacrament of good friday this is a calm and intelligent help enduring a few hours during the help there is a second when ministers lie before the raised area to represent the misery of christians .


 should Christians remember Jesus’s death by celebrating Good Friday

 The Bible does not instruct Christians to honor a specific day to remember Christ’s death; however, Romans 14 verse 5 states that “one man considers one day more sacred than Another man thinks that every day is the same, so everyone should be fully convinced in their own minds. rather than commemorating Christ’s death annually on a specific day, the Bible instructs Christians to observe the Lord’s Supper in 1st Corinthians 11 verses 24 through 26. Do this in memory of me at any time.



what happened on good friday?

after jesus was arrested on monday  thursday the soldiers took him to the  roman governor pontius pilate pilate questioned jesus  but his answers confused him pilate  asked are you the king of the jews but jesus would 

 Although Pilate did not want to execute Jesus, he felt he had no choice. He washed his hands in front of the crowd and declared that he was innocent of this man’s blood. The soldiers mocked Jesus by dressing him in a purple robe that was the color of kings and putting a crown of thorns on his head. They stripped him and made him carry a heavy wooden cross to a place called golgotha. The troopers nailed Jesus to the cross and two cheats were executed on one or the other side of him one hoodlum taunted jesus saying that assuming he was the child of god he ought to save himself. 

the other criminal anyway asked for absolution and was really upset for his wrongdoing jesus said that this man would be pardoned and enter paradise with him when jesus passed on it developed exceptionally dull and the earth shook in the evening jesus’s disciples were allowed to bury him A wealthy man by the name of Joseph of Arimathea carried Jesus to a tomb that he owned and dug in the rock. He rolled a stone into place to close the tomb, and Jesus’ followers, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, as well as Joseph, remained to watch over it as it became very dark and the earth shook in the evening.


how can i mark good friday

you can attend a service at litchfield cathedral either in person with social distancing measures in place or via youtube details are on the cathedral website good friday is also when christians spend time in prayer and reflection thinking about what we are thankful for and asking for god’s guidance a prayer cube can help us begin to pray