how to learn morse code

In this article, we are going to see the second method to learn morse code in the best easy way to learn morse code, 

the very first way the best way to learn morse code is in the previous article

The second method to memorize morse code:

Method 2

In this methid we will  see the most effective way to learn morse code using sentence 

 here we are going to put dot or dash according to word stress like dot . is little short and dash  is bit longer

how to learn morse code

explanation of diagram:

A =  A part       A is short the part so = dot and  dash = .-

B = bob is the man  =  dash dot dot dot bob = – . . .

C = coca-cola = dash dot dash dot = – . – .

D=  dog did it= dash dot dot = -..

E =  dot =.

F =fetch a fire man = dot dot dash dot= ..-.

G = good Gravy = dash dash dot = –.

H = it’s hippy hop =….

 I=i bit  = .

J = In Jaws jaws jaws = dot dash dash=  .—

 K =K kan ga roo (kangaroo) =dash dot dash= -.-

L = Los An ge les dot dash dash= .-..

M= Mm mm = – – 

N= nudist  = -.

O=  oh my god =three long dashes =

P=  poopy smell = dot dash dash dot = .–. 

Q=  god save the queen  =  –.-

R= rotation = .-.

 S= si si si  =

 T= tall =  – 

U = uniform = ..-

V= victory  v  = …-

W=the world war = .–

 X= x marks the pot = -..-

 Y=you r cool dude = -.–

 Z= zinc zookeeper = –..

Question to solve convert into morse code:

  • where are you?
  • I am from Delhi