Basic of computer
- Basic of Computer
- What is Data and Information
- Information Technology
- Generation of computer
- Comparison of Generation
- Classification of Computer
- Digital vs Analog computer
- Computer Organization
- Input Devices
- Output Devices
- Memories in Computer
- Input output Ports
- Computer Network
- Network Topology
- Operating System
- DOS vs Window

In this whole article we will see or know all about basic of computer or basic of information technology (BIT).
Basic of computer (BIT)
a computer is an electronic machine that can do multiple tasks as per user’s required
The computer is the information processing machine that processes information and data
Components of computer
Peripheral devices
The internal or external devices of a computer which does not impact on the primary function
of a computer are known as peripheral devices
Examples of peripheral devices: keyboard, mouse, speaker, printer.

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In education: In education, we use computers for online learning and to increase our productivity.
Characteristics of computer:
There are many characteristics of a computer but here we will look for some of its main characteristics like speed, accuracy, power, IQ, and feeling..
Some of them are: