Application of  Morse code

More code has many applications, morse code is one of the only communication techniques which does not require any equipment, morse communication can be used in any situation or at any time. morse code communication can be done using a finger, eye, or any blinking thing. 

Application of  Morse code


  • Morse Code is most prevalent in Aviation and Aeronautical fields since radio navigational aids such as VORs and NDB’s still Used in the navy
  • coast guard
  • used as an alternative form of communication for people with disabilities
  • who have their abilities to communicate impaired by stroke, heart attack, or paralysis.
  • eyelids communicate in Morse Code by using a series of long and quick blinks to represent that dots and dashes.
  • in secret communication

Advantages and disadvantages of morse code:

Advantages of morse code:

The disadvantage of morse code:

  • Easy to send
  • Time-consuming
  • Cheap, wireless
  • Learn the code to communicate
  • Smooth communication
  • To beam of light can be interrupted
  • Nosieless communication

Morse code of alphabet :

A  . –        B    – . . .     C    – . – .     D  – . .     E   .     F   . . – .  G    – – .    H   . . .  .       I    . .      J    . – – –    K   – .  –    L  . – . .   M   – –    N   – .    O    – – – –     P   – – . –    Q   – -. –    R  . – .    S  . . .        T  –      U . . –       V   . . . –     W  . – –   X  – . . –    Y  – . – –    Z  – – . .

Some Examples are:

  • hello guys      …. . .-.. .-.. — / –. ..- -.– …
  • i love you    .. / .-.. — …- . / -.– — ..-