Network Layer

Slow Start in Computer Network

Data Transmission:

Information Transmission alludes to the most common way of moving information between at least two advanced gadgets information is communicated starting with one gadget then onto the next in simple or computerized design.

What are congestion control:

packet loss in fixed network Typically due to temporary overload situations.
router have to send packets as soon as the buffer are full
TCP recognize congestion via missing acknowledgement, retransmssion unwisely, they would only contribute to the congestion and make it even worse.
the slow start algorithm as reaction when occur the detention of congestion.

Slow Start Algorithm:

In this Algorithm, the size of window goes exponentially till the time out occurs of the receiving window is reaches to the maximum threshold.
  • sender calculate a congestion window for a receiver.
  • start with a congestion window size equal to one segment (TCP packet)
  • exponential increase of the congestion window up to the congestion threshold the linear increase
  • missing acknowledge cause the reduction of the congestion threshold to one half of the current congestion window
  • congestion window start again with one segment.
Slow Start

suppose, sender start with congestion window 1, after receiving ACK for Segment  1 the size of window can be increase by 1. Now size of window is 2 and so on.