
Muharram 2023

Muharram is the first month in islamic calender. This month of Muharram is One of the four holy months is this Muharram month. The new Islamic calendar is beginning now. We are currently in the month of Muharram, which is a holy month. In fact, our Prophet (ﷺ) said that the best month to fast after that of Ramadan is Shahrullaahil Muharram, the month of Allah al-Muharram

As a result, Muharram was referred to as Allah’s month by our Prophet. Other than Muharram, no other month has been referred to as Shahrullaah. He referred to it as “Shahrullahil Muharram,” which means “the month of Allah,” so this is the highest honor that this month has ever received.

when is Muharram 2023




   Muharram 2023,2024 Date

Muharram the first month 

 When Umar ibn Khattab instituted the calendar, ten years or eight years after the Prophet (ﷺ) passed away, they discussed which month should we begun the calendar with. And some said this and other said that, and one opinion was Ramadan, and one opinion was other months as well, until finally, the most of the sahabah they Having said that, Muharram makes the most sense as a way to start the year because of its blessings and because it occurs right after hajj, making it seem like a new beginning. . And so they decide that the first month of the year shall be Muharram, and so Muharram from that time on was and has always been the first month of the yearAdditionally, Muharram is the month in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) would regularly fast.

Muharram 2023

History of Muharram Month

Ibn Abbas reported that, “I’ve never saw the Prophet (ﷺ) more concern about fasting than the day of ‘Ashura and in the month of Muharram.” And the day of ‘Ashura literally means the 10th, from ‘Ashara.

This day of fasting was made waajib in the first year following the hijrah, making it mandatory even before Ramadan. The first year, everyone was required to fast. The following year, Muharram was made optional rather than mandatory after Allah revealed Ramadan. So the first year of Islam it was obligatory on all Muslims to fast on the 10th of Muharram. In addition, during the second year, it went from being required to being strongly recommended and encouraged.


Muharram and Prophet (ﷺ)


Our Prophet (ﷺ) said that it served as a forgiveness of the sins of the previous year. On this day of 10th of Muharram our Prophet (ﷺ) told us that Musa (عليه السلام) was saved, Moses was saved from Pharaoh. That Nuh (عليه السلام), his ship landed on Mount Judi. that numerous past events that served as a day of celebration and joy occurred on these days.

 Our Prophet (ﷺ) said, “If I live one more year, I shall fast on the 9th and the 10th.” The scholar say, to make our ritual different from ritual of other religions and nations, and therefore ideally, it is good to fast the 9th and the 10th, even though our Prophet (ﷺ) never did it, because he said the hadith, but he passed away the very year that he said. So he never actually lived to next year, but he said, “If Allah allows me to live another year, I shall fast the 9th and the 10th of Muharram.” So those who are able to fast the 9th and the 10th, alhamdulillah, or the 10th and the 11th, alhamdulillah.But if they cannot fast two days, then at least on the 10th. 

What is the significance of Muharram in 2023?

Hussain ibn ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was killed along with more than 100 of his followers and family in the deserts near Karbala in modern-day Iraq on the Day of Ashura, which is the 10th day of Muharram. This occurred in the month of 680 or 61 according to the Islamic calendar.

Story of Muharram

it was just over a month earlier that Hussein and his family and followers had set out from Makkah towards Kufa just south of Baghdad Hussein and his party were three days out from kufa  when they were intercepted by  yazid  the local King known for his brutal and tyrannical leader a standoff ensued in the desolate plains of Iraq during which time Hussein’s camp were prevented from accessing water from the nearby Euphrates River thirst and fatigue quickly set in on the afternoon of the tenth day the standoff ended in a grotesque bloodbath by the end only a small collection of her scenes camp were left among them his sister zenab who would come to symbolize the strength of the resistance on the battlefield.

The ali akbar, Hussein’s 18-year-old son, was killed by a spear to the chest. Hussein’s half-brother traveled to the river to supply the camp with water but was intercepted slowly dismembered and then finally felled by an arrow to the eye but Hussain then carried his six-month-old son Ali Asghar to the front of the cab in a desperate plea for compassion the child was then hit in the neck by an enemy arrow back on the battlefield the Hussain as hit in the chest by an arrow get across that head by an enemy sword before being beheaded while mid prayer.

Even though that day’s events are frequently referred to as the Battle of Karbala, despite their historical and spiritual significance for all Muslims, it is safe to say that they were nothing short of a bloodbath. Zenab and the others who were left behind were taken into custody and humiliatingly paraded through Damascus for Yazid.

the events of that day take on special significance for the Shia for whom what happened was an attempt to eliminate the torchbearers of Islam today Ashura is a major event in countries with significant Shia populations including Iran Iran Pakistan and India mourning processions are held in the streets of cities so people don’t forget the sacrifice of Hussein.

 The possessions the events that Karbala are seen through the prism of rising up against dictatorship and standing up for truth integrity and humanity no matter what the cost a white horse reminiscent of Hussein’s ever loyal horse zuljanah is often part of the spectacle remembrance of Ashura.


    • What is the significance of Muharram in 2023? 

 Hussain ibn ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was killed along with more than 100 of his followers and family in the deserts near Karbala in modern-day Iraq

    • What is the 10th day of Muharram 2023?

the day of ‘Ashura literally means the 10th of muharram