Computer Networks:
- Types of network (LAN MAN WAN)
- Network Topologies
- Transmission Techniques (simplex, 1/2 duplex, duplex)
- Physical Media(Guided /unguided)
- Hub, Repeater,
- Functions of DLL
- Sub-Layer (LLC & MAC Address)
- Error Detection(Parity check & Checksum)
- Correction Technique(Hamming Code)
- Concept of Switch.
- Switching Technique (CS,MS,PS)
Network Layer
- Function of Network Layer
- Addressing
- IP Addressing(Class A,B,C,D,E)
- IPv4 Packet Format
- Basic of Routing Protocol ARP,RARP.
- Sub-netting
- Concept of IPv6
- IPv4 Vs IPv6
- Router
Transport Layer:
- Function of Transport Layer
- Transport Layer Protocols TCP,UDP
- Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
- Congestion Control
- Flow Control
Session and Presentation Layer:
Application Layer:
- function of Application Layer
- Application Layer Protocol HTTP
- concept of Gateway.
- E-mail, IMAP
IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol version 6, the number of user of the internet are increasing day by day and the service offered to this uses are also increasing a huge number of addresses are needed to accommodate such vast number of host.
The Internet not only transmit textual data it also allow transmission audio and video data. In such data the high speed data transfer is desired the IPv4 is being used in the current internet the internet protocol version 6 has been designed for the future need of the internet.
Features of IPv6:
- IP version 6 addresses is 128 bit long this provide 2 the power 96 more unique addresses.
- IP version 6 header has got separate option field, this speed of the routing as most of the time options are not needed.
- Several new option has been added to set of option.
- IP version 6 uses flow label field Instead of type of services field of IP version 4.
- The IP version 6 contain options for encryption and description of the data.
IPv6 Packet Format

IPv6 has got a 40 bite head that content 8 fields.
VER (Version):
VER Field tells the version of the protocol being used the value of the field is 6 in case of IP version 6.
PRI ( priority):
The priority field is used to distinguish between packet who source can be flow controlled and those with which cannot. The values 0-7 are transmission capable of slowing down in the events of congestion. the value 8-15 are for real time traffic whose date of sent rate is constant even if all packets are being lost.
Flow Label:
the flow label field still experiment. it will be used to allow are source and destination to setup a pseudo connection with particular properties and requirement.
Payload Length:
Payload length field tells us that how many bytes follows the 40 byte header. the 40 header bytes are no longer Counted as the part of the load.
Next header:
IP version 6 support extension header, this are used to simplify the header. Any of the 6 extension header are possible with a datagram. the next head or feels which extension header is used.
Hope counter:
Hop Counter is used to kill a packet. It is numeric value which is decremented at each hop. If the value of this field becomes 0 it is discarded.
Source address:
It indicate the network number and the host number of the source computer. the IP version uses 16 bytes for address.
Destination address:
the destination address Represents destination’s of the packet. It contain network number and house number. 16 bytes used for this in IPv6.
Computer Networks:
- Types of network (LAN MAN WAN)
- Network Topologies
- Transmission Techniques (simplex, 1/2 duplex, duplex)
- Physical Media(Guided /unguided)
- Hub, Repeater,
- Functions of DLL
- Sub-Layer (LLC & MAC Address)
- Error Detection(Parity check & Checksum)
- Correction Technique(Hamming Code)
- Concept of Switch.
- Switching Technique (CS,MS,PS)
Network Layer
- Function of Network Layer
- Addressing
- IP Addressing(Class A,B,C,D,E)
- IPv4 Packet Format
- Basic of Routing Protocol ARP,RARP.
- Sub-netting
- Concept of IPv6
- IPv4 Vs IPv6
- Router
Transport Layer:
- Function of Transport Layer
- Transport Layer Protocols TCP,UDP
- Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
- Congestion Control
- Flow Control
Session and Presentation Layer:
Application Layer:
- function of Application Layer
- Application Layer Protocol HTTP
- concept of Gateway.
- E-mail, IMAP