Computer Networks

Transmission mode:

Transmission mode can be divided into three part

  1. Simplex
  2. How duplex
  3. Full duplex

In simplex mode the communication or the data transfer is unit directional as on as One Way Street. Only one way communication is possible
Example: keyboard, mouse


Half duplex:
In half duplex mode each station can more transmit and received but not at the same time. Transmission possible both direction.
Example: walkie Talkies.


Full duplex:
In full duplex mode both workstation can transmit and received data simultaneously example phone and internet communication.


Data and data communication

Data is peace of information or fact and statics collection together for a reference or analyse is refer as data.


Data Communication:
Data communication is the exchange of data between two device we are some form of Transmission modem medium such as wire cable or wireless.


Fundamental characteristics of data communication

The effectiveness of data communication depend on the three fundamental characteristics
The workstation/ system must deliver the data to the correct destination 

The system must deliver the data accurately without any error in the data or message.

The system must deliver data within the timeline.